Class Create



  • Creates a new account with associated code.


    • value: Expr

      Value in wei to send to the new account.

    • offset: Expr

      Byte offset in the memory in bytes, the initialisation code for the new account.

    • size: Expr

      Byte size to copy (size of the initialisation code).

    • bytecode: null | Uint8Array = null

    Returns Create


bytecode: null | Uint8Array = null
count: number
depth: number
offset: Expr

Byte offset in the memory in bytes, the initialisation code for the new account.

size: Expr

Byte size to copy (size of the initialisation code).

tag: "Create" = 'Create'
type: "address" = 'address'
value: Expr

Value in wei to send to the new account.


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