Type alias Type

Type: typeof ELEM_TYPES[number]

The following elementary types exist[1]:

  • uint<M>: unsigned integer type of M bits, 0 < M <= 256, M % 8 == 0. e.g. uint32, uint8, uint256.
  • `int: two’s complement signed integer type of M bits, 0 < M <= 256, M % 8 == 0.
  • address: equivalent to uint160, except for the assumed interpretation and language typing. For computing the function selector, address is used.
  • uint, int: synonyms for uint256, int256 respectively. For computing the function selector, uint256 and int256 have to be used.
  • bool: equivalent to uint8 restricted to the values 0 and 1. For computing the function selector, bool is used.
  • fixed<M>x<N>: signed fixed-point decimal number of M bits, 8 <= M <= 256, M % 8 == 0, and 0 < N <= 80, which denotes the value v as v / (10 ** N).
  • ufixed<M>x<N>: unsigned variant of fixedx.
  • fixed, ufixed: synonyms for fixed128x18, ufixed128x18 respectively. For computing the function selector, fixed128x18 and ufixed128x18 have to be used.
  • bytes<M>: binary type of M bytes, 0 < M <= 32.
  • function: an address (20 bytes) followed by a function selector (4 bytes). Encoded identical to bytes24.

See also [2] for more information on Types.

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